Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Afroman sued by Hastie Law Offices client...

***As you may have heard on numerous media outlets (seriously, check out his picture on Columbus Alive), my firm filed suit this morning in Franklin County Municipal Court against Afroman for not honoring his contract to perform at one of our client's venue. 

See the press release below or go to to view the Complaint.

I have been told this may "go viral" (whatever that means). I think that happens when you guys send it out to all of your friends.



‘Because I Got High’ Singer Sued For Forgetting About A Concert Date

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Rapper Afroman, best known for his songs about marijuana use, was sued today for failing to appear at a concert at The Patio at the Continent in Columbus, Ohio. The lawsuit, filed in the Franklin County Municipal Court, alleges that Afroman forgot to appear at an April 9, 2011 concert scheduled at The Patio.

“We set a date and signed a contract. I even sent the deposit to Afroman himself, right away. They must have just forgotten about our show,” said Nathan Pettry, a concert promoter working with The Patio.

Afroman is best known for his hit song “Because I Got High.” His records include Sell Your Dope, 4RO:20, Drunk N’ High, Waiting To Inhale, and Frobama: Head of State, among others. Afroman was nominated for a Grammy ® Award in 2002 for Best Rap Solo Performance.

The date April 20 is well known as a counter‐culture holiday where cannabis users gather to consume marijuana. “The irony of the filing date of this lawsuit is not lost on me. I went to college,” said Matt Crumpton, one of the Plaintiffs’ attorneys. “Afroman’s representative and I have had discussions about this case and my clients and Afroman’s representatives do not agree about the facts. Since Afroman is not willing to settle, we decided that there was no reason to delay filing,” said Crumpton.

Pettry and Wallace Entertainment, LLC, the owner of The Patio, are seeking a yet to be determined amount to compensate them for a deposit paid to Afroman, as well as promotion expenses, lost profits, and the cost of ticket refunds. The Plaintiffs are represented by Ed Hastie, a restaurant and bar attorney, and Crumpton, a litigation and entertainment attorney.

A copy of the Complaint is available at http://www.crumpton‐ or

‐‐ End ‐‐


Claudia Lyster

(614) 488‐5600


  1. Crumpton's quote is pretty awesome. "I went to the Harvard of the Hocking, where today is pretty much a holiday."

    Don't forget to bring a towel.

  2. I'm amazed he was actually nominated for a Grammy? That song has been stuck in my head since I first read about this.

  3. Oh yea... to help out with the viral thing people can / should use the "ShareThis" button to send the link to other link sharing sites or social network places. I'm sure crumpton has this in his twitter feed for example.!/CrumptonLaw

  4. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Does getting interviewed by count as going "fully viral"? If so, we went fully viral at lunch today.

  5. Anonymous11:16 AM

    “Mr. Simpson, the state bar forbids me from promising you a big cash settlement. But just between you and me, I promise you a big cash settlement.”

    And Jared, CHANGE YOUR YAHOO PASSWORD!! If I get one more "debouch one little two little three hoodlums" spams from you, I'm hiring an attorney!

  6. Props on boosting your site's hits - but my guess is that you won't see a dime out of Mr. Foreman. I'm guessing there's no such thing as rapper's insurance. Maybe you can put a lien on his fropick..

  7. Anonymous12:21 AM

    Actually, the patio forged the contract and is pulling a publicity stunt cause the promoter took their money & they felt stupid when they sold all those tickets without a signed contract from Afroman.
