Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Running of the Bull

Well I made it safe! Running with the Bulls is definately a scary thing. Here is a pic from Pamplona. Ill post more when I get back to the states.


  1. I want to see some action shots before I believe it Ka!

  2. You look like one hot Spaniard!! No seriously, you look great Ka - love the picture!

  3. Sorry Nate, there is no action shots of me running. Due to the bulls running after your ass and the last thing i was thinking of is taking pics. Its about 450 meters and the bulls do it in about 3 mins. So i didnt start at the very beginning. I started about mid way. When i saw the bulls it was kinda like you hear all this noise of cheering and stuff and then all the sudden you hear all these people around you just running for thier lives cause the bulls were coming. Kinda like in the clearing when the party got busted by the cops except you may die if you get caught and become a highlight on you tube. I dont have the jets i used too or if i did it didnt make much of a difference. But i do have video of the running of the bulls the next day. Ill post that soon. Its def. something i wont do again.

  4. Ha - I was expecting you to turn around and take the bulls head on.. Did you dive out of the way, or do you reach a finish line of some sort? Were there any injuries you heard about?

  5. I want youtube clips!!!
