Thursday, July 14, 2005

Politicking Time Bomb

I just read a great book - The Creature from Jeckyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve. It suggests that the "Fed" was created to act as a cartel and further the interests of international bankers alone. Further, it theorizes that international bankers (including the IMF and World Bank) are essentially trying to weaken our money while "loaning" it to other countries, who will not pay it back 99% of the time. Their goal is to weaken the dollar so that we well need a universal currency, and those who control it will control the world.

Here's some other stuff to think about:

*All wars are financially driven. Some people (i.e. Halliburton shareholders) make a lot of money from wars. To say that we are in Iraq to "spread freedom" is nice, but it is probably more about money. For example, look at the Civil war. The slavery issue really only arose so that the North would have a "moral" reason to continue fighting in a financially driven war that they could have lost.

*The Great Depression was created on purpose by international bankers who wished to help out Great Britain's economy by weakening ours.

*The first real international banker, Mayer Bauer, was from a long line of Jewish goldsmiths. He was German born and operated mostly out of England.

*Banks who hold $1 million in reserve can normally loan out about $10 million. Banks who hold U.S. Treasury bonds can do the same. Last time I checked our national debt was just under $8 trillion. Can you say inflation?

Alas, I am simply pointing out problems, not suggesting solutions. Major revolt would be neccessary to change the system. Anyone still reading and interested should check out this site, which was started by Jekyll's author, G. Edward Griffin.


  1. So what's worse big bankers or big government? I can see good ideas in some of the points, but every thing needs to be taken with a grain of salt.

    To say the depression was created on purpose sounds insane... a lot of factors contributed to the great depression, yea the stock market crashed, but you also had the dust bowl and an economy that was on the verge of major industrialization.

    Sounds like the da Vinci code for global economics.

  2. Anonymous10:49 AM

    What are you guys talking about? Man, that Tom Cruise sure is crazy. Well, talk to you later.

  3. Alex... there's no stopping the blog! Up to this point politcal / ideological discussions haven't really taken place. Don't know if that's a good or bad thing, but hey... I know your a civil war history buff so drop some knowledge. I'm a big fan of sharing knowledge. So why don't you share your impressions of NCAA 2006?
