Thursday, January 06, 2011

Moving on up!

The Hastie Clan is moving... 1088 Broadview. Edward is very excited, he had a big day - new house, ate food for the first time... Sweet Potato, Breast Milk Combo Bowl!... Boo-yah!

We went into contract last night and only a catastrophe of epic proportions is going to screw it up at this point. Of course in today's environment, anything is possible when it comes to loans...Estimated arrival Date - March 1.

The rundown...

Way cooler in person..Chilean Miner Steam shower

3 full bathrooms one with a freaking STEAM SHOWER!

2 car attached garage

Man-cave in the basement.
Laudry Room is not in our closet
Yes I want to buy this couch...

I can actually have a real party!... Details to Follow


  1. My wifes prayers have been answered... 3 full baths in Grandview... It actually does exist! Told ya so!

  2. Congratulations Eduardo - the hill will provide Lil' Eddy with a great location to drill cars with snowballs. Great sledding too.

  3. Please be gentile to that steam shower and don't eat any cake in there.

    But for real, Congratulations! That's really awesome

  4. Excellent location. Luke will have to stop by cousin Eddie's house when he's staying at Grandmas. I can foresee lots of Sunday ticket games going down on that couch as well.

  5. Great view for the pumpkin run!

  6. Anonymous7:26 AM

    You mean great view to watch Marissa beat Ed in the Pumpkin Run?

  7. Whoop! Whoop! Well done Hastie clan....I'm moving too, to Arlington, VA to take up my new job there. All Hasties are invited....
