Tuesday, June 02, 2009

external hard drive

I just narrowly escaped losing 160 gigs on my laptop, so I'm breaking down to get an external back up. Does anyone have one of these that I should get or any input on the matter. Gracias!


  1. I've got a few, and use a few at work, Western Digital (WD) external drives. 500 GB is about $180

  2. Brad you must be pricing out 2.5" drives. Those are nice cause they're portable and can be powered off the USB port alone. Just plug them into your computer and your good to go.

    For $90 you can get a 3.5" (Desktop size drive) that requires a separate power supply. I use a couple of year old version of the Western Digital "MyBook"
    Here's a 750GB version for $90 on new egg (I paid $120 for 350 GB a couple years back)
    href="http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822136176"I'm considering getting this bad boy... you just plug it into an open ethernet spot on your router and you get an instant file server you can access remotely.
    href="http://www.amazon.com/Western-Digital-Network-Attached-WDH1NC10000N/dp/B001RB1QWW/ref=wl_it_dp?ie=UTF8&coliid=I3D9B24Q3K1W33&colid=2F3L5JLELV677For a video project at work we're purchasing 25 one TB drives. So far I think we've used about 6 and have had no problems shipping them between offices... we found a good weekly special at best buy and got them for $99... they have e-sata connections (really fast)... western digital seems reliable.

    You could also consider getting a replacement laptop drive and moving your old one to an external case. That would require backing up your data, and essentially re installing your OS on the new drive... internal notebook drives are hella cheap too.

  3. I use a 2.5 inch maxtor and love it.

  4. Maxtor is the shit! My book is for someone like erick!

  5. jimmy needs a hug

  6. there's always a network enabled version that i nearly got. Google 'MyBook World Edition'

  7. I just meant that the maxtor one I bought was plug in and go. I felt the my book was for the more technically savoy!

  8. Wow! 2 responses from Jimmy in one day. That's more than I've got the whole friggin year! Nice work Jared.
