Sunday, June 24, 2007

Happy Birthday Jeremy!

I gave you plenty of time for this one Ka :)


  1. Happy B-Day G-Man - I was reading the Pig Roast V Keg Sponsor shirt tonight and noticed that Mr. and Mrs. Grace were keg sponsors.. not Mr. and Mrs. *Jeremy* Grace, but Mr. and Mrs. *Steve* Grace.. fortunately, "Jeremy and Jasmine" were next on the list.. Tell me we're gettin a repeat performance on 7/7/7!.. that is, if you trust Eddie, hundreds of gallons of beer, and Mrs. Grace (not sayin which one) all in the same place..

  2. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Well Pat, I know that Jasmine will not be contributing to the consumption of mass quantities of beer due to the baby.
    We need to be on the list as Mr. and Mrs. I am making sure that 777 will be a day forever remembered.

    Thank you Traci and Pat for the Bday shout outs.


  3. Congratulations about the baby!! When is Jasmine due?

  4. Anonymous3:32 PM

    August 28th. We are going to have a little girl named Isabella.

    Very excited and nervous at the same time.


  5. Congrats! Can't wait for some baby pics.

  6. Happy Birthday and congratulations. To quote Erick, "Go babies go!"

  7. Another June B Day for the blog - Gemeni's represent!

  8. Congratulations, stud! This is the only occasion where that is acceptable language. That word should never be used for any other purpose.
