Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Analog New Years

"Ladies" on Flickr by erocka

With no digital camera Traci and I used a hand me down SLR to document the party. Having a giant lens really seemed to put everyone in “model mode" and we got some decent poses. Also it's interesting to see the impact of shooting on film; the blacks are super black, the camera reacts to light completely different than my old canon point and shoot, and there's a little film grain effect going on.

If you were there then you obviously saw Traci leading the dance team... she was in super star mode. Anyway,be sure to check out the New Years 06 set, there are some good group shots and some cool ones we cropped down. Belive it or not we still have a ton of liquor left over. I think having so many bottles out may have intimidated people. Who brought the handle of Beam? Maybe we'll do it again next year. Thanks to everyone who brought stuff... if anyone wants a 12 of Bud Select let me know... our fridge is about to explode with beer.

Oh yea one last thing. Back in 05 a bunch of us posed with bottles of Champange (as seen here). Well this year we got the bright idea to reenact the same pose. We even traded roles for a few of the pics. Needless to say it's difficult to beat the original. Anyway be sure to check out the pics taged with reenactment. I think Kelly may have a few versions of these reenactments as well, who knows maybe they came out better.

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