Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Get up, stand up...Don't give up the fight.

While reading the news this morning I saw an article about the boy who has been court ordered to continue chemotherapy against the wishes of himself and his parents. He has tried it and decided to take more of a Wholistic approach. (Look for more on this story, it's a WTF kind of tale.)

For decades our government has been telling us what to do to our bodies and how to treat illness because they feel that whatever their panel of "experts" decide is as good as the word of God.(That's a blogging for a different day.) Whether it's a vaccine, a new "approved" drug, or just a way you are supposed to live, they seem to not believe in a right to choose and I'm not talking abortion.(Yet another blogging for another day.)

We are a society that takes a pill for everything. We want results now. Rather that addressing the issue of why the pill was necessary to begin with, just take the new pill and you will be fine. Remind anyone of Brave New World? We even take pills in order to stop taking pills. What the diddly?? (A little Flanders for Erick)

All of you that know me are well aware that I am not the model of health. I do however take my vitamins and load up on the ones that I seem to drain on Dart Night. I don't care for prescriptions. Oddly most of them are better suited for recreational use rather than prolonged prescriptions with refills. Even taking Antibiotics for everything has created Uber-Strains of bacteria that don't respond to treatment anymore. The imune systems of people have gone to shit. I'm not saying that anyone needs to lick the floor or eat a handfull of dirt, but a little won't hurt. It may even make you a little stronger. Even being aware of how many things are made primarily of High Fructose Corn Syrup can astound you. If you were to graph the use of HFCS it would almost mirror a similar graph of the obesity in the US. From my personal favorite, Mountain Dew, to the topping we reach for when were trying to be healthy, salad dressing, the stuff is every where. We may be better off using all that corn for Ethanol rather than Corn Syrup. If nothing else we would have plenty of Moonshine.(Clean cars and alternate fuels to be covered on yet another Blog in the future.) A battery powered car will not haul a fat ass american family accross the country to see the Grand Canyon.

Take a minute to read the article linked above and checkout the site too. It's not the "word of God" but it does make some good points.

It's a long journey to change. There are many steps between where we are and where we are going. It's worth it though if we believe there is something better beyond the horizon.

Please use the comments section on this one. I'm interested to see what the consensus view is.

1 comment:

  1. Good points indeed. You touched on the primary point right off the bat. Our health is our resposibility. The author surely had an agenda he was wishing to serve. His point of view is molded by the point he wishes to make.Good comment Andy. As always, well stated.
